Men of Action Testimonial: Mohit

Mohit 10x'd his finances while doing events on Yachts

"I've met some of the most beautiful people in Singapore that I would not have even dreamt of meeting before."

At the time that Mohit joined Men of Action, everything was shut down. There was no way to meet people or go out. He was feeling frustrated as to what he should be doing in order to build a social circle. Mohit was doing events before Men of Action, but he struggled to make them what he envisioned them to be. Mohit joined MOA and the transformation he experienced is best explained by him when he says, "I definitely grew up a lot in a very short amount of time. I just felt like I was still a boy back then." While everyone in MOA was focused on mansions, Mohit tried a different angle, starting by doing events in public places such as beaches. This unlikely approach helped Mohit scale his social circle up quickly, in a country that was in complete lockdown. He is now able to throw events in villas worth $10k a night, and on yachts, completely free of charge.

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