Men of Action Testimonial: Matt

Matt puts together events in the Hamptons and helps at Miami Swim Week

"In the last year I feel I've grown 10x from where I started from."

An engineer by trade, Matt heard about Michael during a Live call that Michael was a guest speaker on in a different program. Michael, not being one to give anything but direct, cutthroat feedback, ripped into Matt's ego about his photography. It wasn't the quality of his photos, but the quality of the people he was working with. Michael knew Matt had more potential. This was near the height of the pandemic, and Matt was frustrated because he couldn't go out and meet people like he had in the past. Matt then joined Men of Action because he saw that Michael was still going out and meeting new people, despite the world collapsing, in a way that Matt hadn't seen before. A long time Member of Men of Action, Matt has been able to network with high fashion brands like Vixen and has made elite connections in the photography industry. Matt has also thrown charity events, events at Mansions in the Hamptons, and has networked with a group to help partake in putting together Miami Swim Week. Matt is now in talks with getting access to a $30k venue for free, simply based on the value that he is able to provide to other people.

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