
Men of Action Testimonial: Justin B.

Life Reimagined: How Justin Found Success and Happiness with MOA's Mentorship

"I'm making great money. And I'm getting invited to all sorts of high status events across the city right now. I'm at a point where I have to turn down invites because it's too much."

Before joining MOA, Justin was living a mediocre life in the suburbs — no friends, no dating life, financially strapped, crippling social anxiety, no sense of where to even start. He felt like he had gotten pieces of the puzzle from other coaches, but with a lot of bad advice mixed in. In Michael he found a mentor who not only genuinely cared, but who had put together all the pieces of the puzzle. Less than a year later Justin lives downtown, makes great money, and has more dates, friends, and invitations to events than he can possibly accept. He actually has to force himself to take time to rest!

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