Men of Action Testimonial: Brennan

Silicon Valley Programmer Becomes Top Model Photographer

"Everything's better. I've had a lot more access and a lot more growth."

Wanting to get out of the rat race of software engineering in Silicon Valley, Brennan moved to Vegas and picked up photography. Brennan was trying to get access to exclusive spots to shoot top models with little luck. After meeting Michael at a small local shoot, Brennan was immediately curious about the program once he saw how Michael conducts himself, and how he was able to network with everyone so easily. Brennan then became a Member of Men of Action so he could throw his own events and become a better networker, which he knew would help his photography. As the program teaches, Brennan started focusing on becoming more valuable to society. He started building productive habits, and became a better communicator while using his social media to lethal effectiveness levels for networking. He used the MOA Formula to build up his social circle and improved his overall character. Within three months, he became extremely well networked in Vegas. Brennan has been able to shoot with some of the most successful models on the planet - girls with millions of followers. Just look at the models in his case study.

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